West Grand Piano (SFZ)

Vee Keys West Grand Piano presents a beautiful, lively, rich, and balanced piano sound, sampled from the most selling American grand piano, which you will enjoy playing for hours and hours. The Re-Pedalling feature will let you express the articulation of your sustain pedal technique.

As with an acoustic piano, you don't need to tweak many parameters to enjoy your virtual piano. An inspiring true-to-life sound with precise playability will pull the most of our creativity. This is what Vee Keys West Grand Piano all about.

Features: Re-Pedalling, Rich Damper Resonance, 2GB of Chromatic Samples with full-length sustain, programmed with SFZ to be played with excellent free sample player Sforzando.


US$ 19 *powered by Payhip.com


James A - for West Grand Piano
"This is my first time trying Sforzando after finding this piano. I have to say Sforzando is an excellent sample player, and your piano is an excellent complementary for it."

Rade K - for West Grand Piano
"Maaann, you should charge more than this price! Thanks for the good work anyway."

Craig R - for West Grand Piano
"I just purchased your West Grand Piano and I'm impressed - plays and sounds 